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Hymn: The origin of evil
Hymn: The origin of evil
by Andrew Pratt
THIS HYMN PROVIDES AN OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK OF JOB AND COULD BE NOTED ON EACH SUNDAY THROUGH OCTOBER ON WHICH THE BOOK OF JOB PROVIDES A KEY READING. The origin of evil that fractures human life, disease and common hatred and endless human strife: the question of the ages, that pe…
Hymn: Unravelling the mysteries
Hymn: Unravelling the mysteries
by Marjorie Dobson
Unravelling the mysteries, ensuring signs made sense, meant telling simple stories based in the present tense. So Jesus shared with farmers how silently seed grows and how God’s coming kingdom holds secrets no one knows. But in our world, so different from what those people knew,…
Hymn: The power of three surrounds us
Hymn: The power of three surrounds us
by Michael Docker
The power of three surrounds us; In story, joke and song - The three-legged chair most stable; The three-strand rope most strong; The independent witness Adds weight when two agree; The worlds of science and nature Affirm the power of three - And so we sing the story Of God the T…
O when you hear our prayers, Lord
O when you hear our prayers, Lord
by Michael Docker
O when you hear our prayers, Lord, Forgive our foolish hearts; Our words and wishes falter When worldly music starts - Sad symphonies surround us Of life's discordant pain - They easily confound us, Help us to pray again. O when you see our ways, Lord, Forgive our worldly hearts;…
Hymn: A messenger is coming
Hymn: A messenger is coming
by Andrew Pratt
A messenger is coming, is bringing royal news, preparing for a promise that no one should refuse. The covenant he heralds will mend each broken heart, will wash away all sadness, will offer a new start. Verses 2-4 follow Tune: CHRISTUS DER IST MEIN LEBEN; KNECHT Metre: …
Beneath the wings of eagles
Beneath the wings of eagles
by Andrew Pratt
Beneath the wings of eagles we shelter in God's grace; within the midst of trouble we see a kindly face. The storms may roar about us with trouble close at hand, but God will hold and shield us, within God's love we stand. Verse 3 follows Tune: CHERRY TREE CAROL Metre: …
Cooling streams and fiery depths
Cooling streams and fiery depths
by Andrew Pratt
Cooling streams and fiery depths, heaven and hell shall beckon, those who have, have much to lose, all have much to reckon. Verses 2-3 follow Metre: 7 6 7 6 Tune: MELLING Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 7/9/2013 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, Please i…
Hymn: The warning went unheeded
Hymn: The warning went unheeded
by Andrew Pratt
The warning went unheeded, that power corrupts and fires a need for domination, that wealth and fear conspires to elevate the powerful, to subjugate the poor, that those who have most riches will always look for more. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: AURELIA Metre: D Andrew Prat…
The temple was a market
The temple was a market
by Andrew Pratt
The temple was a market with cattle, doves and sheep. Religion forged a profit that earned the traders’ keep. Incensed at such injustice he held a whip of cords, the people scattered quickly, he had no need for words. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: DURROW; PASSION CHORALE Metre:…
When blood is poured like water
When blood is poured like water
by Andrew Pratt
When blood is poured like water, humanity destroyed, in denigrating neighbours, your grace seems null and void. Our politics seem barren as this hot desert floor, while all around seems hopeless and life, a firm closed door. Verses 2-3 follow Metre: 7 6 7 6 D Tune: PASSION CHORAL…
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
God's full and perfect justice (Revised)
by Andrew T Murphy
[A slightly revised version, to replace the earlier version] "Justice has been done"? How does God deal with sin? What is justice? Surely it is more than simply punishment or revenge. This is a big hymn which asks for a big theory of atonement, exploring the wealth of rich…
Hymn: You're not far from God's Kingdom
Hymn: You're not far from God's Kingdom
by Michael Docker
You're not far from God's Kingdom If in Christ's hope you live And work for this world's goodness, And humbly learn to give. His light will always lead you To follow in His way - His Kingdom's life inspire you To seek His face today. You're not far from God's Kingdom If justice i…
15 results